2 June 2010

Reflections on Vietnam

P5251054 P5271143 Our Vietnam adventure has come to an end and what a couple of weeks it has been.  We’ve ridden push bikes, motor bikes, cyclos, taken boats, junks and little bamboo tubs that floated in the water.  We’ve been in taxis, buses & trains and walked when we could..and I feel truly experienced everything this country has to offer.  P5200691 We’ve met some amazing people from all walks of life, tasted some of best cuisine in Asia and marvelled at the wonderful landscapes of this country.  We’ve had fun getting clothes tailored IMG_8831and we will always think of  Hoi Ann fondly when we wear our Vietnamese outfits back home. 

Vietnam is certainly greener than  Cambodia and the landscape more varied.  We found the beaches and mountains quite stunning but with 85 million people living here, in general the big cities were more hectic and the people far less laid back than in Cambodia.

P5200648 My least favourite mode of transport here were the trains, which were filthy and yet we made the most of these experiences and met some really interesting people to boot.

P5180558There are a few reminders that this was once a French Colony.  They have great baguettes everywhere and chandeliers seem to hang from all sorts of buildings including ancient temples.  English is far more widely spoken than French and for the most part it is an easy travel destination. 

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The temples were beautiful and the most common architectural form seems to be the pagoda.  Despite the huge Buddhist population it was surprising to see how the churches are patronised by the Christian community.

If you have never been to Vietnam…I would definitely recommend it as a very interesting travel destination! 


“One’s destination is never a place, but a new way of seeing things.” – Henry Miller

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