It is that time once again to say goodbye to a place I have grown to love and to my new friends with whom together I have grown in the art of photography.
We have learnt lots both about our respective cameras as well as how to compose a picture. We have learnt from each other’s photographs and in the feedback sessions we had each week.
Megs and I spend our last day editing photos and getting over a hundred images ready for the various conservation organisations they will be distributed to. We also choose our top 5 photos from our month here which will be judged so the photographer of the month can be chosen. I find it really hard to narrow down my favourites to choose my top 5 photographs but eventually I narrow it down.
We have learnt some interesting techniques during this month including how to shoot in the pitch dark as well as how we photograph star trails.
I was fortunate once again in the people that I met, especially Megs with whom I shared a room with & hung out at the weekends. We had lots in common and similar habits so sharing space and time with her was really easy. Born in New Zealand, like me, she is a migrant to Australia and has lived there for about ten years. She studied ecology but has never really worked in the field she studied but instead has gone on to do many interesting things in life including working in the mines of north-western Australia in roles as diverse driving those massive dump trucks and running the human resources department!
She now lives in the hinterland of Cairns and we hope to meet again once more somewhere in OZ. We leave St Lucia on the same day. She is flying out to meet her partner in Athens and they will travel on to Egypt. I am leaving on a Greyhound Bus bound for Durban to spend a weekend with a cousin I haven’t seen in over 20 years! Bon Voyage Megs, and goodbye St Lucia!
If in the last few years you haven't discarded a major opinion or acquired a new one, check your pulse. You may be dead. ~Gelett Burgess
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