Alice and I have bonded well with the new group of volunteers and settled into life here at camp. It is comforting to know what to expect and what to wear for each activity and there are few surprises in week 3. We continue with more of the same activities – bush chopping, collecting cheetah poo but fence rolling and prickly pear (thankfully) were put on hold due to the wild dogs being released in the area we were working!
We collected fire wood one day and did an extra day of bush chopping to make up the time. We had fun at the sleep out on the river but camped at a new location as we didn’t want to wake up to find wild dogs in camp!
We played games quite late into the evening and had fun getting to know each other a little more.
The highlight of the week however was making it to the soccer on Sunday. We were on a game drive before the match and were tracking leopards when we were radioed for help by one of the tourist vehicles. They were stuck in the riverbed and wanted our help getting out.Unfortunately, while we were able to get them out of trouble, it was all too much for Shez who broke down herself and had to be abandoned. We were glad we had a few boys in camp as they did all the hard work getting us out of the riverbed. Finally, we were rescued by the vehicle we had initially helped and the guide who was also playing soccer himself, drove us to the game.
The soccer took awhile to get going but we had fun with the local kids who were more than willing to pose for pictures and chat to us with their limited English.
The guys here take their soccer seriously. The Okonjima team were playing a neighbouring lodge and won the first game 1-0. While neither Rion nor Felix, our local guides played in the first match, Felix refereed the game. A good game all round. The local residents came along to watch and cheered noisily for Okonjima. It was a great atmosphere but by 1 in the afternoon we were all starving so we headed back. Unfortunately, we missed watching Felix play and score a goal for Okonjima who won again, 4-0!
So, week 3 draws to a close. I am enjoying my stay here immensely and it won’t be long before I embark on my East African adventure. Till then, Be Strong!
We have five senses in which we glory and which we recognize and celebrate, senses that constitute the sensible world for us. But there are other senses - secret senses, sixth senses, if you will - equally vital, but unrecognized, and unlauded. ~Oliver Sacks
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