After 42 days of travelling together on the Kumuka truck, the time has come for me to say goodbye. We have had an incredible time on the East Africa trail and while the time appears to have gone quickly we are amazed at how many adventures we have shared along the way. From trekking Uganda to find ‘gorillas in the mist’, to camping in the wilds of the Serengeti & Masai Mara to dancing the night away at the full moon party in Zanzibar, we seem to have done it all. We had every decade represented from twenty to sixty amongst the 12 travellers left and while we may have had minor differences got on exceptionally well to complete a fabulous trip together.
Some of the guys are going on to join other Kumuka tours while Rob, Ali and I say goodbye to overlanding at least for now. We are especially grateful to the Kumuka crew of Muwangi, Martin and Patrick who took care of us during this amazing experience and brought us safely this far. So as I walk away having survived another overlanding experience, let me say goodbye to my fellow travellers..
Tom and Gayle, were the oldest travellers on the truck. They have travelled to Africa from a small farming town in Victoria as part of Tom’s 60th birthday celebrations. It isn’t often I find grandparents who have been married for 38 years on the overland trail and I take my hat off to them for giving it a go and for having the courage to rough it out with travellers younger than their own 3 children. They are travelling on for another week to Johannesburg and I think they have been an inspiration to us all.
Ali is a solo traveller from New Zealand who has been on the road for quite awhile, having lived in England and explored the Middle East. She is travelling for almost 3 months in Africa and will continue on the overland trail through Botswana, Namibia and on to Cape Town in South Africa. A teacher by trade she is looking forward to getting home in time for Christmas and a long awaited catch up with the friends and family who await her return.
It is wonderful to find you have two resident chefs on board your overland truck, when cooking is part of the chores you are required to do along the way! I was doubly delighted as Nathan was part of my group so cooking for a truck load of passengers was never as stressful as it might have been. Nate and Lisa are a young couple from Sussex Inlet in the Sydney area. They travel the world using their cooking skills, having just finished a stint at the snow in OZ and now looking forward to a stint in Canada when they get back from travelling to Cape Town.
Dave and Katie are in their mid twenties and are the ‘youngsters’ on the truck. They are on their honeymoon, having just been married months before they came away to Africa. They hail from a small town in Canada and are keen adrenalin junkies :) who liked to try everything from white water rafting grade 5 rapids to jumping into pools just above Vic Falls. Katie is a nurse and Dave builds log homes and they will go back home to a white Christmas in Canada, after travelling to Cape Town. Their next dream is to spend 6 months in South America before settling down to raise a family.
Rob and Ali are a lovely couple from Perth making their way back to OZ after living in England for a couple of years. They have been on the road for 6 months, having explored the Middle East and other European destinations before travelling to Nairobi to board Kumuka. I get to know Rob and Ali really well and I’ve truly enjoyed their company over numerous conversations, card games lots of laughs and cocktails at the Vic Falls Hotel. They will travel on their own to Cape Town from where they fly home for Christmas to prepare for
their next big adventure! Rob and Ali are getting married in Bali over the Easter holidays so they will have their hands full over the next few months. I raise my glass in a toast to their future and look forward to spending time with them on their next visit to Sydney.
Emma and Julie joined us after we had been travelling for 2 weeks but fitted in to the group so well that I had almost forgotten they had not been there at the start. They are the two chicks I hung out with the most. We shared many special memories and had lots of laughs! Our Sydney reunion is already planned and we are looking forward to catching up and reminiscing about the amazing adventures we shared together.
Emma lives in Brisbane but works in the mines (in Admin) in South Australia. She flies in to work for a week and then has the next week off! Sounds like a great deal Em. She started her time in Africa doing volunteer work in Kenya, living with a local family and working at a local school. She enjoyed this experience very much and hopes she might come back to Africa to continue her work here. I have had lots of laughs with Emma and enjoyed the times we shared together and look forward to catching up with her soon.
Julie has taken this year off to celebrate one of life’s great milestones…yes she turned 50 while on the road somewhere in Africa, some months before she met us. Julie has an amazing zest for travel and has been travelling since she was just 11 years old. She travelled to Africa in the eighties when overlanding was a lot harder that it is today and has been to places far off the beaten track from Timbuktu to the Silk Road. She has been through many rough patches in life and I find her enthusiasm to keep on living life to the fullest incredibly inspirational. We shared many stories and experience during our time together including our little beach cabana in Zanzibar. Julie will continue on another truck to Mozambique before flying off to Madagascar to complete what has been a fabulous year for her. Here’s to you Julie and I look forward to our Sydney reunion when I get back!
Don't walk in front of me, I may not follow; Don't walk behind me, I may not lead; Walk beside me, and just be my friend. ~ Albert Camus
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